Sabtu, Disember 12, 2009

Pertandingan Anugerah JKKK Terbaik Daerah Timur Laut 8 Dis - 9 Dis 2009

Sambutan Kompang & Silat menyambut YB Raveentahran & Panel Hakim serta Jemputan
Panel Hakim menyemak Profile Kawasan JKKK Batu Uban
Melawat Tapak Ternakan Ikan Keli
Batu Uban - 8 Dis 2009 . JKKK Batu Uban antara 5 JKKK dalam Daerah Timur Laut yang menyertai Pertandingan Anugerah JKKK Terbaik Peringkat Daerah/Negeri yang dianjurkan Kerajaan Negeri.5 JKKK yang menyertai adalah JKKK Batu Uban,JKKK Sungai Dua ,JKKK Bukit Gelugur,JKKK Kampung Melayu dan JKKK Bukit Bendera (JKKK Bukit Bendera menarik diri saat akhir).
Seramai 5 panel juri hakim dari pelbagai Jabatan membuat penilaian berdasarkan :
JKKK Batu Uban,Sungai Dua dan Bukit Gelugur telah dinilai pada 8 Dis 2009 dan JKKK Kg Melayu pada 9 Dis 2009.. Pada 11 Dis 2009 keputusan pemenang peringkat Daerah Timur laut telah diumumkan secara tidak rasmi oleh Pejabat Daerah Timur Laut.
Pemenang & Johan jatuh kepada JKKK BATU UBAN (Membawa pulang Hadiah RM2000 dan mewakili Daerah Timur Laut ke Pertandingan Peringkat Negeri yang akan ditandingi oleh 5 Johan Daerah dari Barat Daya,Utara,Tengah & Selatan)
Tempat ke 2 jatuh kepada JKKK Kg Melayu Tempat ke 3 jatuh kepada JKKK Bukit Gelugur Tempat ke 4 jatuh kepada JKKK Sungai 2

Selasa, Disember 01, 2009


UMNO By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on November 30, 2009 12:07 PM 1. Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 hanya dua tahun lagi. Saya sedang meneliti reaksi rakyat terhadap UMNO dibawah pimpinan baru. Saya terkejut. Saya terkejut kerana seorang bekas pemimpin UMNO yang kanan telah meluahkan perasaannya dengan berkata "UMNO is rotten to the core" (UMNO busuk hingga ke ususnya). 2. Beliau telah berkata yang beliau sedang memikir untuk menyokong PAS. Beliau juga berkata beliau telah bertemu ramai pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang telah bersara dan mereka speendapat dengannya. 3. UMNO busuk daripada peringkat terendah hingga ke peringkat tertinggi katanya. Di cawangan, ketua cawangan hanya berjuang untuk mengekal dirinya sebagai ketua sahaja. Kenapa? Sebabnya majoriti ketua cawangan dapat jadi pengerusi Jawatakuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung dengan elaun tertentu dan kuasa untuk mengagih peruntukan. Berpeluang juga untuk jadi kontraktor Kelas F untuk projek kecil di luar bandar. 4. Untuk menentukan dirinya tidak dicabar ketua cawangan tidak akan benarkan sesiapa yang lebih terpelajar daripadanya masuk UMNO cawangannya. Lebih daripada itu kebanyakan peruntukan untuk jadi ahli UMNO, yang mana dia mesti melalui cawangan, tidak akan dilayan. Tujuannya ialah supaya cawangannya tidak mempunyai banyak ahli kerana mereka tetap akan menimbulkan masalah dan sukar dikawal, bahkan sukar disogok pun. 5. Sebab itu tidak ramai ahli profesional yang dapat menjadi ahli UMNO. Sebaliknya semakin ramai daripada pemimpin PAS terdiri daripada doktor, peguam, jurutera dan lain-lain profesyen. 6. Oleh kerana ketua cawangan biasanya tidak memiliki pelajaran yang tinggi dan beliau menentukan ahli lain dalam cawangannya mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan yang lebih rendah daripadanya, maka apabila ketua terpaksa berhenti kerana sebab-sebab tertentu, maka penggantinya akan terdiri daripada yang kurang berkebolehan daripadanya. Dengan itu kualiti kepimpinan akan merosot sepanjang masa. 7. Tentu ada cawangan yang tidak seperti ini tetapi pengecualian hanya mengesahkan keadaan yang sebenar. 8. UMNO, kata bekas pemimpin kanan ini sekarang dipimpin oleh perasuah. Mereka menjadi ahli Majlis Tertinggi kerana sogokan wang. Orang ramai tidak akan serah nasib mereka kepada perasuah. 9. Penempatan perasuah dalam Kerajaan dan badan-badan lain juga memburukkan lagi imej UMNO. Sudah tentu perasuah akan dipilih sebagai calon UMNO dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13. Jika mereka diberi kemenangan maka negara akan dapat Kerajaan perasuah. Sebab itu beliau tidak akan sokong UMNO sebaliknya akan menyertai dan menyokong parti lawan. Katanya lagi hingga kini separuh daripada orang Melayu tidak merasai nikmat kerana Kerajaan-Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO menidakkan hak mereka sedangkan mereka juga orang Melayu walaupun mereka menyokong parti lawan. Mereka yang menyokong parti lawan bertambah sejak (Tun) Abdullah kerana ramai daripada ahli UMNO sendiri sudah tidak percaya kepada UMNO. 10. Yang tinggal katanya ialah orang yang berkepentingan yang berharap mendapat sesuatu kerana menyokong UMNO. Mereka ini bukan nasionalis dan mereka tidak boleh diberi kepercayaan. 11. Banyaklah lagi hujah-hujahnya akan sebab-sebab UMNO tidak lagi akan diberi peluang untuk memerintah negara yang disayangi olehnya. Saya tidak akan hurai lebih lanjut. Hanya yang saya ingin sebutkan ialah pendapat beliau sudah menular ke semua peringkat orang Melayu, bahkan ahli UMNO juga. 12. Rakan-rakan dalam Barisan Nasional semuanya berpecah dan lemah. Mereka tidak mampu menjayakan Barisan Nasional. 13. Masa semakin singkat untuk memperbaiki keadaan ini. Saya mencatat maklumat ini untuk pengetahuan umum sahaja.

Sabtu, November 28, 2009


By Tohkong Mosjid Just because we gave birth to PR, doesn’t mean that they can’t do no wrong. We should treat PR like our children, they must given the chance to rise again after they hit a snag. Assuming (B)elum (N)yanyuk company (in short BN) was the sole apple wholesaler in Malaysia and there was no other apple wholesaler to compete with them over the past 50 years. We had another 3 individual apple sellers that we did not pay much attention to because we hardly heard any of their advertisements anywhere. All wholesale apples were sold in a bag, with each bag contained 100 apples and had to weigh around 5kg to ensure those apples were almost identical in size. During the early days, BN’s apples were very good in quality. We as customers were very happy and satisfied with their apples supply. We were very supportive of BN’s apples to the extent of, even though occasionally we found out that there were 8-10 bad apples in a bag, we were forgiving enough to not ask for single cent refund. After all, they were the only apple wholesale seller available at that time. After 30 years in service, BN’s directors got greedy. Their directors demanded to live like a king in a palace, so they had to come out with a way to quadruple their profits to build their palaces. First, they started to import low quality apples to replace those high quality apples and sold to us at the same price as before. We found something amiss about the apples’ sweetness, but they assured us that the apples were the same. Being naïve, we trusted their words as we trusted them for the past 30 years. Unfortunately, by importing low quality apples did not quadruple their profits, they had to figure out other ways to make their palaces dream came true as soon as possible. Next, they started to tamper with their weighing machines’ scaling. With that, they managed to reduce the number of apples by 30 per bag yet they continued to sell us those apples at the old price despite being cheaper in cost. Of course we were unhappy with the move and accused them of frauds. But due to of our own stupidity, they managed to convince us that these batch of new apples weighed more because they contained more nutrition than the previous batch of apples. Since we had trusted them for 40 years, so we decided to believe them one more time; after all we yet to have an alternative to choose from at that point of time. After 3 years, those BN’s directors happily moved in to their new palaces. To their horror – after staying in the palace for barely 2 months, they started to realise that the cost of maintaining a palace in good conditions required much more money than to build it. To make things worse, those directors’ families got greedy as well, some of them demanded that their father to bring them to Disneyland’s tour every summer. To fulfill all those evil requests, they raised the price of apples by 50% citing rising cost of transportation as the culprit for the major increment. They were braved enough to take this drastic move as they were not afraid that we (the customers) would run away because they were the only one with apples in Malaysia. When we protested against them, they were arrogant enough to threaten us with defamation suits and requested the police to detain us under (I)kut (S)uka (A)ku Act. Greed brought them to the point of arrogant. They forgot that - we the loyal customers were the people that kept them in business for 50 years. Because of our blind loyalty, now they treated us like their slaves -- whereas in contrary to the business’s world where the customers were always regarded as the boss. We kept our cool and protested in silence. Quietly, we figured out ways to stop relying on BN for apples. We forced the other 3 individual apples sellers to merge together to become the alternative apple wholesaler in Malaysia. For 50 years, most of us never really bought any apples from them because we trusted BN’s advertisement that their apples were hazardous to us. They agreed to give it a try and with our support, they merged together under a single company called - (P)rotect (R)escue Company (in short PR). With the birth of PR, we now have 2 apples wholesalers to choose from. But we yet to get the best bargain for our apples, because PR is still weak because they are still in the transitioning phase as running the small apple stalls is very much different from running a wholesale company. After realizing their sales were dropping exponentially, BN promised to make some changes to their business conducts. However, BN’s promised is like the saying “tomorrow that will never come.” BN’s new approach is always about shouting the same thing - that they have the best apples in town, and we are getting the best bargain from the price we paid. They even come out with a slogan called “1Apple – The only apple company in Malaysia you should trust” to hoodwink us that they are changing for the better. Besides that, they also promise us that they will change their arrogant way of treating us but quietly they are still using the same old tampered weighing machines to weigh their apples behind our backs. But now, we are smart enough not to fall into their tricks again. As for PR, they are still learning on how to be a good apple wholesaler. They are still learning on how to maintain the quality of apples, how to reduce transportation costs, how to expand their business to meet our never ending demand while moving away from the old habits of selling apples individually. PR knows that their existence hurts BN’s rice bowl a lot. BN is getting desperate by the day as their business can no longer cover the cost of their palaces and their families are grumbling because they have not been able to visit Disneyland for the past 2 years. PR also realises that counter attacks and sabotages from BN are imminent. Hence, PR has to be always on guard to continuously fight off BN’s attempts to ruin their business. To add to PR’s list of misery, all transportation companies, apples suppliers and packaging houses are very reluctant to accept orders from PR because they are afraid of offending BN who has given them business for the past 50 years. The business environment is tough for PR because BN is trying to influence everyone to be biased against PR. Despite all that, PR managed to stay afloat for the past 20 months because we gave them enough business to survive. At least PR knows, we are the one that give businesses to them. Unlike BN, who treats us as we owed them the money to keep them in business. They think PR was purposely started by a certain few to rob their business away, while forgetting the fact that PR was born because of their greed and arrogance towards us. Yes, we gave birth to PR – but unfortunately we expected too much in return and to make things worse, we expected PR to deliver instant results. We expected those 100 apples in PR’s bag to be 100% perfect. When we find 2-3 apples (mind you, not 3-4 apples), we are very quick to punish PR’s reputation and ask for refund immediately. As a typical Malaysian, we so conveniently forgotten that we used to allow BN to get away with those bad apples without a single complaint 20 years back. Some of us even go to the extent of threatening PR that we will buy our apples back from BN if they don’t buck up. Some of us already written them off and some have even come to the conclusion that PR is just the same as BN. PR kept quiet to our critisms and threats because PR respects our views and values our importance. But to be fair to them, we must also admit that it takes time to adapt from being a small stall apple seller to a apple wholesaler because it is totally a different business altogether. We forget that PR is still new in this wholesaler business. Their directors all have different opinions of running this wholesale company because their knowledge were limited to operating their 3 different apple stalls - which they were targeting different groups of consumers to keep their business alive. But now, it is a totally new scenario for these directors as they have to juggle between keeping their old customers coming back while satisfying the request of new customers that turned their back on BN. They are still searching for a balance business approach so that they will not offend any of their new and old customers. Yes as we expected in PR, there will be some quarrels every now and then. We saw some directors resigning along the way because they couldn’t agree to what PR is doing or they did not manage to secure any credible position in PR. Some of them jumped over to BN because of better offers from BN to sabotage PR’s stability. Some voiced their problems and dissatisfaction over the medias because they can’t get their voices heard in the board room. But this is not a good reason why we should lose confidence in PR. We have to keep in mind, all new companies face the same problems like PR and it takes time for them to get stabilize, and it takes time for those directors to familiarize with this wholesale business. Besides that, they have to deal with the constant sabotages from BN – which actually gives them less time to concentrate on improving this wholesale business. We can’t expect them to be as masterful as BN in such short period of time in running this wholesale business when they are having a hard time running their business in a BN-friendly environment. Problems will keep cropping out every now and then, but the important thing is those PR’s directors know how to solve those problems efficiently. Yes, I agree that sometimes PR’s directors argue too much, and it makes them look rather instable. But are we too quick to punish them because of that? Why the impatient from our side? Why can’t we be more supportive of them? I think the only reason why we feel so agitated when PR failed to be what we wanted them to be; is because we wanted to kick BN out of business so badly and we could not stand our hope being dashed because of PR’s incompetency. PR is our last hope to ensure we get the fair price for our apple supplies. Just because we gave birth to PR, doesn’t mean that they can’t do no wrong. We should treat PR like our children, they must given the chance to rise again after they hit a snag. We must educate them to be the wonder child we hope for. But we mustn’t discourage them when they make mistakes. Instead, we must ensure, they are able to rise up stronger again and again after each setback they endured. We can criticize, but we must also guide them to the right path. We can’t be too quick to write them off since we know that going back to BN is not going to help us to improve the situation anyhow. BN is still the bigger player in this apple industry. PR is still very much the underdog, and in the business’s world, everyone is biased towards the underdog. PR is going to have a hard time finding suitable low-cost transportation, suitable suppliers and loyal workers without being sabotage by BN. They have to keep their business afloat despite the rising costs of goods imposed by BN’s cronies to destabilize PR. The only way they can survive is by increasing their apples sales, which means it requires more support from us. Once they become the big brother in the apple business, they can start to dictate those suppliers and the transportation providers aligned to BN to lower their price or else they will lose the business contracts from PR. To counter those frauds and high prices in the apple industry, we need PR to rise up in this BN-friendly environment to compete with BN, head-to-head. We must ensure there’s at least 2 apples wholesalers at any one time in the future. If we punish PR too hard, BN will take advantage of the situation to break PR into 3 small stall apple sellers so that they can monopoly the market again. And we must not let that happen because in the end we are the only one who suffer. Now let us get back to our real BN and PR in politics. Malaysians tend to very forgetful but they also can be very unforgiving. Malaysian can be very forgiving on your mistakes for the past 50 years, but they can never forgive you for today’s mistake. One wrong statement can change their whole perception about PR regardless of how many good things PR had said or done in the past. But sad to say, a lot of Malaysian are still generally very emotional and very ignorant about the country well-being. As long as they get their typical 3 meals a day, they couldn't care less about what’s the BN politicians are doing to our country. They forgot about the possibility that their children and grandchildren may not be that lucky as them! PR’s death only benefits BN and its cronies and no one else. We are the biggest loser if PR goes down. Therefore, we must help to ensure PR survives at all cost. We must continue to lend our support to PR, even more so when they hit a rocky path like they are having now. We must not lose sight of why we gave birth to PR. We wanted an alternative for us to choose from. PR’s survival and success is about us and our country - rather than it is about PR or BN’s political prosperity. We must ensure PR survives and becomes the big brother in Malaysia’s politics to kick start the healthy competition between BN and PR. There’s no real start to a 2 party system until the other side wins for at least once. For a better Malaysia, we need PR. Punishing them now will lead us to back to BN’s dictatorship, and that’s exactly what BN wants us to do.

Selasa, November 17, 2009


YB Dr Mujahid,YB Raveentharan & YB Sim Tze membuat lawatan ke gerai-gerai pameran.
YB Raveen membuat memberi ulasan tentang program Hari Terbuka Pas Kaw.B.Baru
Pertandingan mewarna dan sukanika turut di adakan
Pemenang Boling Padang Kanak -Kanak
PAS FOR ALL Lokasi Majlis : View Larger Map

Jumaat, November 13, 2009

Lawatan Malam Oleh Pasukan Pemantau Adun Batu Uban

YB Raveentharan membuat Sidang Akhbar dengan wartawan dari akhbar - akhbar Cina.
Pemantauan di Kawasan Bukit Gambir..agak memeranjatkan sebaris Kereta Kancil diletak di tengah-tengah jalan tanpa menghiraukan masalah yang akan timbul sekiranya berlakunya kecemasan mungkin kereta Bomba akan menghadapi kesukaran untuk masuk.
En Tahir (Setiausaha Sulit YB ) bersama Pengerusi JKKK Taman Brown turun mengenal pasti nombor tiang lampu yang tidak berfungsi.
Meninjau masalah masyarakat India di Jalan Indah 5 Taman Brown ,Gelugur dalam kawasan Dun Batu Uban
Tiang TNB dengan lampu yang tidak berfungsi di depan pintu masuk USM di Jalan Cangkat minden 7 ,Minden Height.
Kawasan gelap disebelah rumah 2A2B Tingkat Batu Uban 1 tanpa lampu jalan yang boleh mengundang berlakunya pecah rumah.
Tiang tanpa lampu jalan di sebelah rumah 2A2B Tingkat Batu Uban 1.
Skuad Pemantau yang terdiri dari 4 buah Kereta berada di Jalan batu Uban berdepan dengan N Park Kondo dalam memantau masalah Parking di sini.
Tiada tindakan dibuat oleh MPPP berkaitan aduan penduduk berkaitan permohonan membina Halangan di lorong ini (Lorong Batu Uban 1 ,Tmn Century) disebabkan lorong ini menjadi jalan pintas pencuri bermotor untuk melarikan diri setelah memecah masuk rumah penduduk di sini.
Ini satu lagi lorong pintas penjenayah pecah rumah di Lorong Batu Uban 2 ,Adun Batu Uban telah juga memohon MPPP membina halangan dan memasang lampu jalan di lorong yang gelap ini .MPPP tidak menghiraukan laporan dari Adun Batu Uban.Siapa yang menjadi mangsa ?
Operasi Berakhir di Taman Century.Operasi akan di sambung minggu hadapan di Kawasan Lip Sin, Sg Dua,Sg Nibong Kecil dan lain -lain kawasan dalam Kadun Batu Uban.
Batu Uban 12 Nov 2009 - 9 malam Adun Batu Uban YB Raveentharan mengambil insiatif mewujudkan Pasukan Pemantau Malam di mana ahlinya adalah di kalangan Pembantu -Pembantu Khas (P.A) beliau untuk memantau dan mengenal pasti masalah rakyat di kawasan yang diwakili beliau. Masalah utama adalah lampu jalan yang telah banyak aduan diterima oleh penduduk yang masih di abaikan serta dilewat - lewatkan oleh MPPP walaupun aduan telah dibuat dari Mac 2009.
Inilah masalah Adun Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak mendapat kerjasama dengan agensi kerajaan negeri yang rata-rata masih memihak kepada kerajaan lama iaitu BN.Sikap sabotaj kepada kerajaan baru Pakatan Rakyat amat ketara kelihatan dengan melengah-lengahkan setiap aduan yang dibuat oleh rakyat. Jkkk Batu Uban dengan sokongan Pejabat Adun Batu Uban telah memohon sejak Mac 2009 tambahan lampu jalan dikawasan Kampung Batu Uban dan Taman Century dalam Daerah Timur Laut disebabkan berlakunya peningkatan kadar jenayah telah diabaikan serta dilengah-lengahkan oleh MPPP dengan pelbagai alasan.
Kami memohon Ketua Menteri YB LIM GUAN ENG mengambil tindakan dalam memastikan
agensi Kerajaan memberi kerjasama dengan tindakan segera dalam setiap aduan yang dibuat oleh rakyat.
Atas masalah inilah Pejabat Adun Batu Uban mengambil inisiatif membuat pemantauan pada 12 Nov 2009 - 9 malam dalam keadaan hujan yang bermula dari Kawasan Bukit Gambir diikuti Kawasan Taman Brown & Minden Height pada 10 malam dan berakhir di Kawasan Kampung Batu Uban dan Taman Century pada 11.30 malam.

Selasa, November 10, 2009

Pakatan OK, BN yang 'koyak rabak' sebenarnya

Mohd Rashidi Hassan |

TIDAK ada sebab yang kukuh untuk ahli dan penyokong gabungan Pakatan Rakyat, berasa terlalu gusar tentang masa depan gabungan yang dikatakan sedang berkocak sehingga membawa kepada perpecahan. Buat masa ini perpecahan tidak akan berlaku. Jika PAS yang keluar dari pakatan, PAS yang akan rugi. Jika DAP keluar, DAP akan rugi. Begitu juga dengan Parti KeADILan Rakyat. Buat masa ini, jika ada mana-mana parti gabungan pakatan, yang mahu membuat haluan tersendiri, mereka akan ditolak oleh rakyat berbilang kaum dalam negara. Ingat, negara tidak akan terbina dengan hanya kekuatan satu-satu kaum sahaja. Semua kaum memerlukan sokongan antara satu sama lain untuk hidup aman makmur. Justeru, apabila Pakatan Rakyat dibentuk, hasil kepercayaan rakyat kepada PAS, KeADILan dan DAP untuk berhadapan dengan Barisan Nasional, maka jika Pakatan Rakyat hendak membentuk kerajaan baru di peringkat Pusat, ianya mestilah dengan dokongan semua pihak, semua kaum dan agama. Apa yang berlaku hanyalah permainan licik media. Tidak dinafikan memang wujud pergeseran kecil antara Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Dato' Dr Hasan Mohd Ali, Ronnie Liu dan lain-lain. Wujud sedikit ketidak puasanhati pemimpin DAP negeri terhadap Menteri Besar Kedah, Dato' Seri Azizan Abdul Razak dalam isu kandang babi, kouta perumahan untuk bumiputera dan pembahagian jawatan ketua-ketua kampung. Wujud ketidak puasanhati PAS dan KeADILan terhadap kepimpinan Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng di Pulau Pinang, yang dikatakan tidak banyak memberi ruang kepada PAS dan KeADILan. Dari sudut dalaman parti, tidak dinafikan wujudnya beberapa pergeseran kecil antara individu pemimpin dalam PAS, KeADILan dan DAP. Akibatnya, ia mencetuskan kesilapan pemimpin dan ahli tertentu, yang nampaknya mudah terpengaruh dengan permainan licik media pro-Umno, iaitu secara terang-terangan mengkritik antara satu sama lain. Bagaimanapun semua ini hanyalah seumpama, 'kocakan sedikit air di dalam cawan sahaja'. Ianya tidak akan sama sekali menjejaskan keutuhan kepimpinan PAS, KeADILan mahupun DAP dan ia tidak sekali-kali menjejaskan kesepakatan Pakatan Rakyat. Apa yang penting, seluruh kepimpinan PAS, KeADILan dan DAP sedar bahawa, masing-masing tidak harus terlalu 'bold' untuk menegakkan perjuangan 'sectarian'. Kepimpinan dan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat seharusnya mencipta budaya exceptionalisme, dari sudut agama, nilai, tradisi dan moral-etika dengan menghormati perbezaan asas perjuangan parti yang berbeza. Kepimpinan dan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat harus disedarkan dan diikat dengan satu matlamat yang sama, iaitu berusaha mencapai hasil kesepakatan, membentuk Kerajaan Pusat dan Negeri, dengan menumbangkan Barisan Nasional. Justeru, sasaran utama Pakatan Rakyat ialah untuk menggantikan BN, sebagai peneraju negara pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 nanti. BN seharusnya ditolak secara total kerana pertama; ia telah berkuasa terlalu lama sehingga melakukan banyak tindakan yang merugikan negara, kedua; BN masih gagal mengawal kestabilan agama dan kaum, ketiga; BN gagal menguruskan ekonomi negara dan keempat; pada waktu ini, hampir semua ahli gabungan utama BN sedang koyak rabak. Cuma Umno sahaja 'kelihatan' kukuh. Umno dilihat kukuh kerana pergeseran dalamannya cepat ditutup media, walaupun keadaannya seperti 'tongkang pecah'. Ini belum lagi dibahas dari sudut sama ada relevan atau tidak perjuangan agama, bangsa dan negara yang dipelopori Umno selama ini. Tetapi jika kita lihat sekarang, apa sudah jadi dengan parti-parti gabungan BN yang lain? Gerakan nampaknya sudah semakin pupus, yang tinggal hanya Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon. MIC sudah disisihkan terus dengan Presidennya, Dato' Seri S Samy Vellu bergaduh dengan PM dan MIC hanya menunggu masa untuk melingkup. MCA sebagai parti terbesar mewakili kaum Cina sekarang ini berada dalam keadaan yang amat teruk dan sudah hampir lumat dikerat 18. Presidennya, Dato' Seri Ong Tee Keat dan Timbalannya, Dato' Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek ditolak oleh Mesyuarat Agung Khas MCA. Kedua-dua pemimpin yang bergaduh antara satu sama lain, kemudian ditolak oleh perwakilan, sebaliknya bergabung semula untuk berhadapan dengan satu kumpulan lain yang diketuai Naib Presiden MCA, Dato' Seri Liow Tiong Lai. MCA sudah 'koyak' kata seorang pimpinan tertingginya sewaktu sembang-sembang dengan penulis di lobi Parlimen baru-baru ini. Namun yang harus diteliti adalah, gesaan Ahli Parlimen Seri Gading, Dato' Mohamad Aziz yang menggesa Tee Keat dan Tsu Koon supaya meletakkan jawatan kerana tidak perform. Tuduhan ini amat serius dan tidak harus dikesampingkan sahaja. Bukan soal Mohamad Aziz, tetapi persoalan yang lebih besar ialah mengapa Kerajaan BN, SPRM, Umno mendiamkan sahaja dakwaan Pengerusi BBC BN, Dato' Seri Tiong King Sing yang memberikan wang tunai RM10 juta kepada Tee Keat. "Tee Keat sendiri yang datang ambil, 10 juta (RM) berkotak-kotak, dia pandu kereta sendiri, Dato' Tiong tak bohong, figure yang dia bagi tepat," kata beberapa orang ahli parlimen BN semasa berborak sesama sendiri. Ini belum lagi dibincangkan secara terperinci isu rasuah pemimpin Umno, dakwaan rasuah ke atas Samy Vellu dan lain-lain. Isu-isu mengenai 'kejahatan' pemimpin-pemimpin BN, melakukan jenayah rasuah dan salah guna kuasa ini cuba dilindungi media massa pro mereka. Akibat daripada penguasaan yang begitu lama, mereka tidak segan silu 'menyapu bersih' wang rakyat. Apa yang mereka lakukan amat dahsyat sekali. Jika diteliti dan diperhalusi, 'kejahatan' mereka dan perpecahan yang melanda mereka, iaitu parti-parti komponen BN, jauh lebih dahsyat daripada pergeseran kecil dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang dipaparkan dalam artikel ini. Malangnya ramai dari kalangan kita, sering terpengaruh dengan dakyah media jahat ini. Justeru Umno-BN tidak kukuh sebenarnya, hanya media yang 'menambah-solek' dan menutupi kecacatan wajah mereka. Pakatan Rakyat tidak berpecah sebenarnya, hanya media yang mengapi-apikan perpecahan. Oleh itu jangan sesekali kita termasuk perangkap mereka dengan mempercayai dakyah bahawa Pakatan Rakyat merupakan pakatan yang rapuh. Jika kita percaya dengan dakyah media, maka kita sendiri yang menghalang kemajuan dan tidak yakin keupayaan kita untuk menggantikan BN selepas PRU ke-13 nanti.

Ahad, September 06, 2009

The Dirty Hand Of Koh Tsu Koon In The Kampung Buah Pala Fiasco

Thursday, July 02, 2009 EXPOSED! The Dirty Hand Of Koh Tsu Koon In The Kampung Buah Pala Fiasco "Dr Goh Hock Jin is willing to come forward with information regarding an alleged illegal transfer of land, which is a small plot of government access land that was allegedly transferred to a Koh Tsu Koon crony in between houses 4 and 6, Jalan Cheah Phee Cheok, 11200 Hillside, Tanjung Bungah. " This the season for Lim Guan Eng Bashing. It is very clear now that the entire Kampung Buah Pala 'High Chaparral' issue has been hijacked by what appears to be Evil elements from the BN/Umno regime. Very strange indeed that while HINDRAF which the BN/Umno regime claims to be illegal is getting itself registered to be the third 'Voice' of the Indians in Malaysia , YAB Lim Guan Eng and the Pakatan Rakyat Government in Penang are now in a war of attrition with HINDRAF and its leader Waythamoorthy. Suddenly, we find the Police treating HINDRAF with kiddie gloves when they demonstrate against the PR Government in Penang . It appears the poor folk of 'High Chaparral' appear to be instigated by you know who. The only party to benefit from all these is not HINDRAF but the Evil BN/Umno regime who are planning to use the 'High Chaparral' issue to crawl its way back into power in Penang. The people are being hoodwinked by the Evil BN/Umno regime into believing that it nor its lapdog The Pondan Koh Tsu Koon had anything to do with the problem. In fact it is rather strange that Waythamoorthy and HINDRAF are not taking aim at the Mosquitoman Koh Tsu Koon and BN for the problem they have created. The story goes that the 'High Chaparral' folk have been living on the land for over 150 years in exactly the same spot where the original owners of the land, the Brown Family from UK were actively operating an estate in which all these people's forefathers were workers. When the Browns decided to pack up and leave for UK , they awarded the land to the workers of the estate and made the then Straits Settlement the trustee of the land over which sat Kampong Buah Pala. By this act, they made the government of the day the trustee for the land. After Independence , the Malaysian federal government took over from the Straits settlement and became the trustee. That remained so until somewhere along the way, someone in the state (got a gut feeling it was the Pondan Umno lapdog Koh Tsu Koon) made it into a TOL land i.e. the owners of the land were made temporary occupiers of their own land by an act of treachery. Then in 2005, the BN/Gerakan Penang State government who were not the owner of the land nor a trustee, sold the land to a Koperasi of the Pegawai Kerajaan Pulau Pinang - a Koperasi very closely linked to UMNO warlords like Ahmad Ismail for a paltry sum of a little over RM 3 million! ( Lim Guan Eng is now saying he will have to pay 150 million ringgit to get the land back - so you can see what a swindle this is.) It is this Koperasi that got into a joint venture agreement with Nusmetro, a property developer who is threatening the demolition. The Penang State Government bigwigs of the last administration, in other words those who had jurisdiction over land matters then, sold it to themselves (left pocket to right pocket) for a paltry sum, a land that was by the process of history owned by the villagers and (believed to be) held in trust by the Federal government and then now turn around call the true owners (the poor cattle herder residents) squatters. Interestingly, talking about Koh Tsu Koon, there is a Dr Goh Hock Jin who is willing to come forward with information regarding an alleged illegal transfer of land, which is a small plot of government access land that was allegedly transferred to a Koh Tsu Koon crony in between houses 4 and 6, Jalan Cheah Phee Cheok, 11200 Hillside, Tanjung Bungah. If this allegation is true, then the culprit of the 'High Chaparral' fiasco must also be the same person. HINDRAF Should Work Together With Pakatan Rakyat To Bring Down Racist BN/Umno The following comment by RK Sundram was extracted from MALAYSIA TODAY: "Hindraf is really going overboard! They made their point initially which won the respect of the masses which was one of the contributing factors for the March election tsunami. They should JUST stop there. They should be lending support to the PR for the good of all Malaysians and not be race based. With their race based rhetoric, what is the different between them and the very institution we all are against that is BN/UMNO?" "The PR Government is just over a year old and they are running an obstacle race with the Federal Government making it extremely difficult for the Pakatan States to govern. In light of this HIndraf should be supportive and cooperate to find win-win solutions and not resort to demonstrations against the very people who are actually trying to bring equal governance to all Malaysians. Have they not thought that the problems which PR is trying to undo were created by the last Government which was in place for the last 50 years? Pakatan have reversed many unfair practices by the former Government and actually given back much to the people. Point in example is Land Titles given to people of Perak who have worked the land for umpteen years without ownership. The beneficiaries were ALL Malaysians and were not done on racial lines." "Hindraf, enough ranting. Work for all MALAYSIANS and not only for the Indians. We should all be Malaysian FIRST. Give the support to the Pakatan Government so that they can form the next Federal Government. We all had enough of MIC and Samy Vellu and we don't need another MIC in the form of HINDRAF." "I'm Malaysian first and Indian second." The general feeling among Malaysian's is that they have had enough of the race based politics of the Evil BN/Umno regime. What Malaysians want today is a Malaysia that is color blind. Why do you think the racist PM Najib Razak is going around with his his 1 Malaysia concept. Najib knows that he has to do something drastic to win back support for BN/Umno. It can't be denied that HINDRAF started the 'Political Earthquake' that resulted in the 'Political Tsunami' of March '08. Instead of calling Penang CM YAB Lim Guan Eng a racist, HINDRAF should instead go through proper channels to discuss issues affecting the ethnic Indians in the country. The sorry state that the Indians are in today is not because of DAP or Pakatan Rakyat but because of the racist policies of the racist BN/Umno regime supported by the Pariah MIC. It is strange that HINDRAF doesn't want to hold the BN/Gerakan administration of Koh Tsu Koon accountable but rather go for YAB Lim's blood. The Scribe is concerned that by calling a man (YAB LIM) who went to prison for standing up for the rights of a 14 year old Malay girl who was a victim of rape, non Indians will not respect HINDRAF nor support it anymore. What HINDRAF should be focussing now is to work together with Pakatan Rakyat and bring down the Evil BN/Umno regime in the next General Election. HINDRAF on it's part must show to all Malaysians that it is fighting for the rights of all Malaysians irrespective of race or religion. The Scribe is also curious why this time around the Police allowed HINDRAF to demonstrate against the PR Government without the need to resort to arrests, tear gas and water cannons. After all, HINDRAF has been declared as an illegal organization by the BN/Umno Government. Something just don't add up here.

Khamis, Ogos 20, 2009

Inilah Gaya Perdana Menteri Baru

Saya sangat tertarik dengan keperibadian Ahmadineneejad yang sering digambarkan hidup begitu sederhana. Di bawah ini disertakan tiga keping gambar majlis jamuan negara yang diadakan oleh Presiden Iran bagi meraikan lawatan Presiden Bolivia ke Teheran baru-baru ini (tiga gambar itu diambil dari Cina Islam). Dalam gambar tersebut Presiden Bolivia Juan Evo Morales kelihatan berkot hitam. Presiden Iran dan tetamunya makan sambil bersila, tiada set perabot makan yang serba mewah, tanpa protokol makan gaya-Barat seperti yang di amalkan di negara ini dan pastinya tidak diadakan di hotel 7 bintang!
Ahmadineejad memang terkenal dengan kesederhanaannya. Antara bukti gaya hidup sederhana presiden Iran yang paling digeruni oleh kuasa Barat ini ialah:

1. Saat pertama kali menduduki pejabat presiden, Ahmadineejad menyumbangkan seluruh karpet pejabat presiden yang sangat tinggi nilainya itu kepada masjid-masjid di Teheran, manakala karpet pejabat Presiden yang didudukinya digantikan dengan karpet biasa yang sangat sederhana.

2. Di banyak kesempatan beliau kelihatan begitu ramah dan mesra dengan semua petugas pejabat, termasuk pekerja kebersihan pejabat.

3. Langkah pertamanya sebagai presiden ialah mengisytiharkan hartanya yang terdiri dari sebuah kereta tua Peugeot 504 tahun 1977 dan sebuah rumah sederhana warisan ayahnya berusia 40 tahun yang lalu yang terletak di sebuah desa terpencil di Teheran. Baki akaun bank dalam simpanannya pula sangat kecil dan satu-satunya wang masuk adalah wang gaji bulanannya .

4. Gajinya sebagai tenaga akademik di sebuah universii tempatan hanya sekitair US$ 250.

5. Sehingga kini Ahmadineejad masih tinggal di rumahnya yang amat sederhana itu dan bukan di kediaman presiden.

6. Ahmadineejad tidak pernah mengambil wang gajinya sebagai presiden, alasannya ialah semua wang gajinya adalah milik negara dan dia bertugas untuk menjaga negaranya.

7. Satu hal yang membangkitkan rasa kagum kakitangan pejabat presiden adalah sebuah beg kecil yang sentiasa dibawa setiap hari Ahmadineejad ke pejabat yang berisikan sarapan pagi terdiri dari kepingan roti atau roti keju yang disiapkan sendiri oleh isterinya di rumah. Beliau dikatakan memakan makanan yang disediakan isterinya itu setiap hari dengan gembira dan mengenepikan kebiasaan menyediakan makanan khusus untuk presiden seperti sebelumnya.

8. Sebaik berkuasa, pesawat peribadi untuk presiden diubahnya menjadi pesawat kargo untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat dan untuk dirinya, ia meminta terbang hanya dengan pesawat biasa dengan kelas ekonomi.

9. Beliau boleh ditemui di pejabatnya tanpa temu janji dan protokol yang menyusahkan tetamunya.

10.Jika perlu menginap di hotel, Ahmadineejad hanya meminta disediakan bilik kecil kerana beliau tidak suka tidur di atas katil, tetapi lebih suka tidur di lantai beralaskan karpet dan selimut.

11. Ketika waktu solat berjemaah, jika tiba lewat beliau tidak mahu diberi layanan istimewa, sebaliknya hanya berada di saf tengah atau belakang seperti jemaah lainnya.
13. Ahmadineejad juga tidak berkompromi dengan hukum dan larangan Allah. Beliau tidak mahu bersalaman dengan wanita yang bukan muhrimnya, cukup hanya sekadar menundukan kepalanya kepada wanita sebagai rasa hormat.
Apakah suatu hari nanti Allah akan menurunkan kita seorang Perdana Menteri dan Ketua Negara yang segagah, sesederhana dan sentiasa berpegang teguh kepada perintah Allah seperti Ahmadineejad? Semoga PRU ke-13, ke-14 atau ke-15 nanti rakyat Malaysia dapat menyaksikan seorang PM yang seberani dan sesederhana Ahmadineejad memerintah satu Malaysia.
Kita? Apa La Sudah Jadi...

Khamis, Jun 25, 2009


YB RAVEENTHARAN MEMBUAT LAWATAN KE TAPAK TERNAKAN. ANAK KELI KINI MEMBESAR BERUSIA 1 BULAN....HASIL DARI PROJEK PERINTIS TERNAKAN KELI YANG DI USAHAKAN OLEH JKKK BATU UBAN.. Kejayaan Projek ini akan membuka peluang kepada anak kampung Batu Uban pula mengusahakan ternakan Keli dengan mendapat tunjuk ajar dari JKKK sendiri dan Jabatan perikanan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ada juga golongan-golongan tertentu yang beriri hati (Inilah Hati Melayu..)yang kononnya memperjuangkan nasib Melayu tapi menghalang usaha meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat Melayu sendiri.Ada yang meminta MPPP menghantar Penguat Kuasa menghalang dari penjaja berniaga,Ada yang nak komplain setiap minggu kepada MPPP dan sebagainya yang menunjukkan betapa irihatinya golongan ini . Usaha kami JKK Batu Uban ,tidak mengira latar belakang parti dan hanya ikhlas membantu meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat Melayu Batu Uban yang telah lama dibiar dalam kemiskinan.Kami memohon semua pihak berkerja sama membantu usaha murni JKKK Batu Uban dalam membangunkan Kg Batu Uban ini.Bandingkan keadaan kampung kini dan dulu.