Isnin, Mei 23, 2022


We 'TRANSNEFTEREZERV LLC'  ( Limited Liability Company petroleum) as a legal and
official Mandate to Russian Refineries is able to supply to any real buyer's Company with any Petroleum Products to your designated Discharge Port, either on FOB / CIF terms.
The products are as follows;  JP54,  D6, M100 / 75,  D2,  JET A1, EN590,  LNG,  LPG.
Our prices are nice, fair and constantly updated with
the world market price, we hope to hear from you soon.
Please for more Infomation / Ddetails and Negotiations, Kindly
contact us through our official company details below.
Phone / Whatsapp;  +7 967 024 7361
INN / KPP;  7731349760


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