Khamis, April 30, 2020
🎂 Let Muhamad Alif know you are thinking of him on his birthday today!
Isnin, April 27, 2020
Collection Of Pcap Files From Malware Analysis
Update: Feb 19. 2015
I had a project to test some malicious and exploit pcaps and collected a lot of them (almost 1000) from various public sources. You can see them in the PUBLIC folder. The credits go to the authors of the pcaps listed in the name of each file. Please visit their blogs and sites to see more information about the pcaps, see their recent posts, and send them thanks. The public pcaps have no passwords on them.
Update:Dec 13. 2014
Update:Dec 31. 2013 - added new pcaps
I did some spring cleaning yesterday and came up with these malware and exploit pcaps. Such pcaps are very useful for IDS and signature testing and development, general education, and malware identification. While there are some online public sandboxes offering pcaps for download like Cuckoo or Anubis but looking for them is a tedious task and you cannot be totally sure the pcap is for the malware family supposedly analysed - in other words, if the sandbox says it is Zeus does not necessarily mean that it is.
I found some good pcap repositories here (http://www.netresec.com/?page=PcapFiles) but there are very few pcaps from malware.
These are from identified and verified (to the best of my knowledge and belief - email me if you find errors) malware samples.
All of them show the first stage with the initial callback and most have the DNS requests as well. A few pcaps show extended malware runs (e.g. purplehaze pcap is over 500mb).
Most pcaps are mine, a few are from online sandboxes, and one is borrowed from malware.dontneedcoffee.com. That said, I can probably find the corresponding samples for all that have MD5 listed if you really need them. Search contagio, some are posted with the samples.
Each file has the following naming convention:
BIN [RTF, PDF] - the filetype of the dropper used, malware family name, MD5, and year+month of the malware analysis.
I will be adding more pcaps in the future. Please donate your pcaps from identified samples, I am sure many of you have.
Thank you

All pcaps archives have the same password (same scheme), email me if you need it. I tried posting it without any passwords and pass infected but they get flagged as malware. Modern AV rips though zips and zips with the pass 'infected' with ease.
- 2012-12-31 BIN_Xinmic_8761F29AF1AE2D6FACD0AE5F487484A5-pcap
- 2013-09-08 BIN_TrojanPage_86893886C7CBC7310F7675F4EFDE0A29-pcap
- 2013-09-08 BIN_Darkcomet_DC98ABBA995771480AECF4769A88756E-pcap
- 2013-09-02 8202_tbd_ 6D2C12085F0018DAEB9C1A53E53FD4D1-pcap
- 2013-09-02 BIN_8202_6d2c12085f0018daeb9c1a53e53fd4d1-pcap
- 2013-09-02 BIN_Vidgrab_6fd868e68037040c94215566852230ab-pcap
- 2013-09-02 BIN_PlugX_2ff2d518313475a612f095dd863c8aea-pcap
- 2013-09-02 BIN_Taidoor_46ef9b0f1419e26f2f37d9d3495c499f-pcap
- 2013-09-02 BIN_Vidgrab_660709324acb88ef11f71782af28a1f0-pcap
- 2013-09-02 BIN_Gh0st-gif_f4d4076dff760eb92e4ae559c2dc4525-pcap.zip
- 2013-07-15 BIN_Taleret.E_5328cfcb46ef18ecf7ba0d21a7adc02c.pcap
- 2013-05-14 BIN_Mediana_0AE47E3261EA0A2DBCE471B28DFFE007_2012-10.pcap
- 2013-05-14 BIN_Hupigon_8F90057AB244BD8B612CD09F566EAC0C
- 2013-05-14 BIN_LetsGo_yahoosb_b21ba443726385c11802a8ad731771c0_2011-07-19
- 2013-05-13 BIN_IXESHE_0F88D9B0D237B5FCDC0F985A548254F2-2013-05-pcap
- 2013-05-06 BIN_DNSWatch_protux_4F8A44EF66384CCFAB737C8D7ADB4BB8_2012-11-pcap
- 2013-05-06 BIN_9002_D4ED654BCDA42576FDDFE03361608CAA_2013-01-30-pcap
- 2013-05-06 BIN_BIN_RssFeeder_68EE5FDA371E4AC48DAD7FCB2C94BAC7-2012-06-pcap (not a common name, see the traffic ssheet http://bit.ly/maltraffic )
- 2013-04-30 BIN_MSWab_Yayih_FD1BE09E499E8E380424B3835FC973A8_us-pcap
- 2013-04-29 BIN_LURK_AF4E8D4BE4481D0420CCF1C00792F484_20120-10-pcap
- 2013-04-29 BIN_XTremeRAT_DAEBFDED736903D234214ED4821EAF99_2013-04-13-pcap
- BIN_Enfal_Lurid_0fb1b0833f723682346041d72ed112f9_2013-01.pcap
- BIN_Gh0st_variant-v2010_B1D09374006E20FA795B2E70BF566C6D_2012-08.pcap
- BIN_Likseput_E019E37F19040059AB5662563F06B609_2012-10.pcap
- BIN_Nettravler_1f26e5f9b44c28b37b6cd13283838366.pcap
- BIN_Nettravler_DA5832657877514306EDD211DEF61AFE_2012-10.pcap
- BIN_Sanny-Daws_338D0B855421867732E05399A2D56670_2012-10.pcap
- BIN_Sofacy_a2a188cbf74c1be52681f998f8e9b6b5_2012-10.pcap
- BIN_Taidoor_40D79D1120638688AC7D9497CC819462_2012-10.pcap
- BIN_TrojanCookies_840BD11343D140916F45223BA05ABACB_2012_01.pcap
- PDF_CVE-2011-2462_Pdf_2011-12.pcap
- RTF_Mongall_Dropper_Cve-2012-0158_C6F01A6AD70DA7A554D48BDBF7C7E065_2013-01.pcap
- OSX_DocksterTrojan.pcap
- 2013-11-12_BIN_ChePro_2A5E5D3C536DA346849750A4B8C8613A-1.pcap
- 2013-10-15_BIN_cryptolocker_9CBB128E8211A7CD00729C159815CB1C.pcap
- 2013-09-20_BIN_Lader-dlGameoverZeus_12cfe1caa12991102d79a366d3aa79e9.pcap
- 2013-09-08 BIN_Tijcont_845B0945D5FE0E0AAA16234DC21484E0-pcap
- 2013-09-08 BIN_Kelihos_C94DC5C9BB7B99658C275B7337C64B33-pcap.zip
- 2013-08-19 BIN_Nitedrem_508af8c499102ad2ebc1a83fdbcefecb-pcap
- 2013-08-17 BIN_sality_CEAF4D9E1F408299144E75D7F29C1810-pcap
- 2013-08-15 BIN_torpigminiloader-pcap.zip
- 2013-13-08 EK_popads_109.236.80.170_2013-08-13.pcap
- 2013-11-08 BIN_Alinav5.3_4C754150639AA3A86CA4D6B6342820BE.pcap
- 2013-08-08 BIN_BitcoinMiner_F865C199024105A2FFDF5FA98F391D74-pcap
- 2013-08-07 BIN_ZeroAccess_Sirefef_C2A9CCC8C6A6DF1CA1725F955F991940_2013-08-pcap
- 2013-07-05 BIN_Kuluoz-Asprox_9F842AD20C50AD1AAB41F20B321BF84B
- 2013-05-31 Wordpress-Mutopy_Symmi_20A6EBF61243B760DD65F897236B6AD3-2pcap.pcap
- 2013-05-15 BIN_Zeus_b1551c676a54e9127cd0e7ea283b92cc-2012-04.pcap
- 2013-05-15 BIN_Gypthoy_3EE49121300384FF3C82EB9A1F06F288-2013-05.pcap
- 2013-05-12 BIN_PassAlert_B4A1368515C6C39ACEF63A4BC368EDB2-2013-05-13
- 2013-05-12 BIN_HorstProxy_EFE5529D697174914938F4ABF115F762-2013-05-13-pcap
- 2013-05-12 BIN_Bitcoinminer_12E717293715939C5196E604591A97DF-2013-05-12-pcap
- 2013-05-07 BIN_ZeroAccess_Sirefef_29A35124ABEAD63CD8DB2BBB469CBC7A_2013-05-pcapc
- 2013-05-05 BIN_PowerLoader_4497A231DA9BD0EEA327DDEC4B31DA12_2013-05-pcap
- 2013-05-05 BIN_GameThief_ECBA0FEB36F9EF975EE96D1694C8164C_2013-03-pcap
- 2013-05-05 BIN_PowerLoader_4497A231DA9BD0EEA327DDEC4B31DA12_2013-05-pcap
- 2013-04-27 EK_BIN_Blackhole_leadingto_Medfos_0512E73000BCCCE5AFD2E9329972208A_2013-04-pcap
- 2013-04-26 -- BIN_Citadel_3D6046E1218FB525805E5D8FDC605361-2013-04-samp
- BIN_CitadelPacked_2012-05.pcap
- BIN_CitadelUnpacked_2012-05.pcap
- BIN_Cutwail_284Fb18Fab33C93Bc69Ce392D08Fd250_2012-10.pcap
- BIN_Darkmegi_2012-04.pcap
- BIN_DarknessDDoS_v8g_F03Bc8Dcc090607F38Ffb3A36Ccacf48_2011-01.pcap-
- BIN_dirtjumper_2011-10.pcap
- BIN_DNSChanger_2011-12.pcap
- BIN_Drowor_worm_0f015bb8e2f93fd7076f8d178df2450d_2013-04.pcap
- BIN_Googledocs_macadocs_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Imaut_823e9bab188ad8cb30c14adc7e67066d.pcap
- BIN_IRCbot_c6716a417f82ccedf0f860b735ac0187_2013-04.pcap
- BIN_Kelihos_aka_Nap_0feaaa4adc31728e54b006ab9a7e6afa.pcap
- BIN_LoadMoney_MailRu_dl_4e801b46068b31b82dac65885a58ed9e_2013-04 .pcap
- BIN_purplehaze-2012-01.pcap
- BIN_ponyloader_470a6f47de43eff307a02f53db134289.pcap
- BIN_Ramnitpcap_2012-01.pcap
- BIN_Reedum_0ca4f93a848cf01348336a8c6ff22daf_2013-03.pcap
- BIN_SpyEye_2010-02.pcap
- BIN_Stabuniq_F31B797831B36A4877AA0FD173A7A4A2_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Tbot_23AAB9C1C462F3FDFDDD98181E963230_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Tbot_2E1814CCCF0C3BB2CC32E0A0671C0891_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Tbot_5375FB5E867680FFB8E72D29DB9ABBD5_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Tbot_A0552D1BC1A4897141CFA56F75C04857_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Tbot_FC7C3E087789824F34A9309DA2388CE5_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Tinba_2012-06.pcap
- BIN_Vobfus_634AA845F5B0B519B6D8A8670B994906_2012-12.pcap
- BIN_Xpaj_2012-05.pcap
- BIN_ZeroAccess_3169969E91F5FE5446909BBAB6E14D5D_2012-10.pcap
- BIN_ZeusGameover_2012-02.pcap
- BIN_Zeus_2010-12.pcap
- EK_Blackholev1_2012-03.pcap
- EK_Blackholev1_2012-08.pcap
- EK_Blackholev2_2012-09.pcap
- EK_Blackhole_Java_CVE-2012-4681_2012-08.pcap
- EK_Phoenix_2012-04.pcap
- EK_Smokekt150(Malwaredontneedcoffee)_2012-09.pcap - credit malware.dontneedcoffee.com
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Ahad, April 26, 2020
Secret Hack Codes For Android Mobile Phones
Secrete Hack codes for Android Mobile phones
Secret hack codes are usually hidden from users to prevent misuse and exploit. Android is a very new platform so there aren't many hack codes for Androids available. Today I will share all of the hack codes of Android cellphones that I know. I have tested these codes on my Samsung Galaxy with the Android OS version 2.2. I am sure these will work on all previous versions.
Secret Hack Codes for Android Mobile Phones:
1. Complete Information About Your Phone
This code can be used to get some interesting information about your phone and battery. It shows the following 4 menus on the screen:
- Phone information
- Battery information (How to maximize or boost battery life in android phones)
- Battery history
- Usage statistics
2. Factory data reset
This code can be used for a factory data reset. It'll remove the following things:
- Google account settings stored in your phone
- System and application data and settings
- Downloaded applications
It will NOT remove:
- Current system software and bundled application
- SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.
Note: Once you give this code, you will get a prompt screen asking you to click on the "Reset phone" button, giving you the chance to cancel your operation.
3. Format Android Phone
Think before you input this code. This code is used for factory formatting. It will remove all files and settings, including the internal memory storage. It will also reinstall the phone firmware.
Note: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone.
4. Phone Camera Update
This code is used to get information about phone camera. It shows following 4 menus:
- Update camera firmware in image (Don't try this option)
- Update camera firmware in SD card
- Get camera firmware version
- Get firmware update count
WARNING: NEVER use the first option. Your phone camera will stop working and you will need to take your phone to a service center to reinstall camera firmware.
5. End Call/Power
This one is my favorite. This code can be used to change the action of the "End Call/Power" button. Be default, if you hold the button down for a long time, it shows a screen asking you to select between silent mode, airplane mode, and power off.
Using this code, you can enable this button to power off without having to select an option, saving you some time.
6. File Copy for Creating Backup
This code opens a file copy screen where you can backup your media files e.g. images, sound, video and voice memo.
7. Service Mode
This code can be used to enter into service mode. In service mode, you can run various tests and change settings.
8. WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Secret Hack Codes for Android:
*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* – WLAN test (Use "Menu" button to start various tests)
*#*#232338#*#* – Shows WiFi MAC address
*#*#1472365#*#* – GPS test
*#*#1575#*#* – Another GPS test
*#*#232331#*#* – Bluetooth test
*#*#232337#*# – Shows Bluetooth device address
9. Codes to get Firmware version information:
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* – PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate
*#*#1234#*#* – PDA and Phone
*#*#1111#*#* – FTA SW Version
*#*#2222#*#* – FTA HW Version
*#*#44336#*#* – PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number
10. Codes to launch various Factory Tests:
*#*#0283#*#* – Packet Loopback
*#*#0*#*#* – LCD test
*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* – Melody test
*#*#0842#*#* – Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)
*#*#2663#*#* – Touch screen version
*#*#2664#*#* – Touch screen test
*#*#0588#*#* – Proximity sensor test
*#*#3264#*#* – RAM version
Related wordWiFi Hacking On Tablets
Ever since I bought my first Android device, I wanted to use the device for WEP cracking. Not because I need it, but I want it :) After some googling, I read that you can't use your WiFi chipset for packet injection, and I forgot the whole topic.
After a while, I read about hacking on tablets (this was around a year ago), and my first opinion was:
At the beginning I looked at the Pwn Pad as a device that can replace a pentest workstation, working at the attacker side. Boy was I wrong. Pwn Pad should be used as a pentest device deployed at the victim's side!
- You have 1095 USD + VAT + shipping to buy this Pwn Pad
- You have around 200 USD to buy an old Nexus 7 tablet, a USB OTG cable, a USB WiFi dongle (e.g. TP-Link Wireless TL-WN722N USB adapter works).
There are two things where Pwn Pad really rocks. The first one is the integrated drivers for the external WiFi with monitor mode and packet injection capabilities. The second cool thing is the chroot wrapper around the Linux hacking tools. Every hacking tool has a start icon, so it feels like it is a native Android application, although it is running in a chroot Kali environment.
- Start the Wifite app
- Choose your adapter (the USB WiFi)
- Choose the target network (wep_lan in the next example)
- Wait for a minute
SSH reverse shell
This is one of the key functionalities of the Pwn Pad. You deploy the tablet at the Victim side, and let the tablet connect to your server via (tunneled) SSH.The basic concept of the reverse shells are that an SSH tunnel is established between the Pwn Pad tablet (client) and your external SSH server (either directly or encapsulated in other tunneling protocol), and remote port forward is set up, which means on your SSH server you connect to a localport which is forwarded to the Pwn Pad and handled by the Pwn Pad SSH server.
I believe the best option would be to use the reverse shell over 3G, and let the tablet connect to the victim network through Ethernet or WiFi. But your preference might vary. The steps for reverse shells are again well documented in the documentation, except that by default you also have to start the SSH server on the Pwn Pad. It is not hard, there is an app for that ;-) On your external SSH server you might need to install stunnel and ptunnel if you are not using Kali. The following output shows what you can see on your external SSH server after successful reverse shell.
root@myserver:/home/ubuntu# ssh -p 3333 pwnie@localhost
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:3333 ([]:3333)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 14:d4:67:04:90:30:18:a4:7a:f6:82:04:e0:3c:c6:dc.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:3333' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
pwnie@localhost's password:
_____ ___ _ ___ ___ _____ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
| _ \ \ / / \| |_ _| __| | __\ \/ / _ \ _ \ __/ __/ __|
| _/\ \/\/ /| .` || || _| | _| > <| _/ / _|\__ \__ \
|_| \_/\_/ |_|\_|___|___| |___/_/\_\_| |_|_\___|___/___/
Release Version: 1.5.5
Release Date: 2014-01-30
Copyright 2014 Pwnie Express. All rights reserved.
By using this product you agree to the terms of the Rapid Focus
Security EULA: http://pwnieexpress.com/pdfs/RFSEULA.pdf
This product contains both open source and proprietary software.
Proprietary software is distributed under the terms of the EULA.
Open source software is distributed under the GNU GPL:
Now you have a shell on a machine that is connected to the victim network. Sweet :) Now Metasploit really makes sense on the tablet, and all other command-line tools.
EvilAP and DSniff
Start EvilAP (it is again a wrapper around airobase), choose interface (for me the Internal Nexus Wifi worked), enter an SSID (e.g freewifi), enter channel, choose whether force all clients to connect to you or just those who really want to connect to you, and start.The next step is to start DSniff, choose interface at0, and wait :) In this example, I used a popular Hungarian webmail, which has a checkbox option for "secure" login (with default off). There are sooo many problems with this approach, e.g. you can't check the certificate before connecting, and the login page is delivered over HTTP, so one can disable the secure login checkbox seamlessly in the background, etc. In this case, I left the "secure" option on default off.
In the next tutorial, I'm going to show my next favorite app, DSploit ;)
Lessons learned
Hacking has been never so easy beforeIn a home environment, only use WPA2 PSK
Choose a long, nondictionary passphrase as the password for WPA2
Don't share your WiFi passwords with people you don't trust, or change it when they don't need it anymore
Don't let your client device auto-connect to WiFi stations, even if the SSID looks familiar
And last but not least I would like to thank to the Pwn Pad developers for releasing the Community Edition!
Security Surprises On Firefox Quantum
This means two things
1) the owner of that site might spread malware infecting many many people.
2) the ISP also might do that.
Ubuntu Version:
Firefox Quantum version:
The URL: hxxp://ciscobinary.openh264.org/openh264-linux64-0410d336bb748149a4f560eb6108090f078254b1.zip
The zip contains these two files:
3f201a8984d6d765bc81966842294611 libgmpopenh264.so
44aef3cd6b755fa5f6968725b67fd3b8 gmpopenh264.info
The info file:
Name: gmpopenh264
Description: GMP Plugin for OpenH264.
Version: 1.6.0
APIs: encode-video[h264], decode-video[h264]
So there is a remote codec loading system that is unsigned and unencrypted, I think is good to be aware of it.
More info
Sabtu, April 25, 2020
HiddenWasp Linux Malware Backdoor Samples
Here are Hidden Wasp Linux backdoor samples.

Intezer HiddenWasp Malware Stings Targeted Linux Systems
elf shared-lib
64bits elf shared-lib
tar-bundle gzip contains-elf
tar-bundle gzip
64bits elf
Jumaat, April 24, 2020
🎂 Let Rose Shema know you are thinking of her on her birthday today!
Seorang rakan mahu anda suka Halaman di Facebook
Khamis, April 23, 2020
Top 10 Most Popular Ethical Hacking Tools (2019 Ranking)
Top 10 powerful Hacking Tools in 2019.
If hacking is performed to identify the potential threats to a computer or network then it will be an ethical hacking.
Ethical hacking is also called penetration testing, intrusion testing, and red teaming.
Hacking is the process of gaining access to a computer system with the intention of fraud, data stealing, and privacy invasion etc., by identifying its weaknesses.
Ethical Hackers:
A person who performs the hacking activities is called a hacker.
There are six types of hackers:
- The Ethical Hacker (White hat)
- Cracker
- Grey hat
- Script kiddies
- Hacktivist
- Phreaker
A security professional who uses his/her hacking skills for defensive purposes is called an ethical hacker. To strengthen the security, ethical hackers use their skills to find vulnerabilities, document them, and suggest the ways to rectify them.
Companies that provide online services or those which are connected to the internet, must perform penetration testing by ethical hackers. Penetration testing is another name of ethical hacking. It can be performed manually or through an automation tool.
Ethical hackers work as an information security expert. They try to break the security of a computer system, network, or applications. They identify the weak points and based on that, they give advice or suggestions to strengthen the security.
Programming languages that are used for hacking include PHP, SQL, Python, Ruby, Bash, Perl, C, C++, Java, VBScript, Visual Basic, C Sharp, JavaScript, and HTML.
Few Hacking Certifications include:
Let's Explore!!
#1) Nmap
Price: Free
Nmap is a security scanner, port scanner, as well as a network exploration tool. It is an open source software and is available for free.
It supports cross-platform. It can be used for network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and for monitoring host & service uptime. It can work for a single host as well as large networks. It provides binary packages for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
- Nmap suite has:
- Data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool(Ncat),
- Scan results comparing utility(Ndiff),
- Packet generation and response analysis tool (Nping),
- GUI and Results viewer (Nping)
- Using raw IP packets it can determine:
- The available hosts on the network.
- Their services offered by these available hosts.
- Their OS.
- Packet filters they are using.
- And many other characteristics.
Best for: Nmap is best for scanning network. It is easy to use and fast as well.
Website: Nmap
#2) Netsparker
#3) Acunetix
Acunetix is a fully automated ethical hacking tool that detects and reports on over 4500 web application vulnerabilities including all variants of SQL Injection and XSS.
The Acunetix crawler fully supports HTML5 and JavaScript and Single-page applications, allowing auditing of complex, authenticated applications.
It bakes in advanced Vulnerability Management features right-into its core, prioritizing risks based on data through a single, consolidated view, and integrating the scanner's results into other tools and platforms.
=> Visit Acunetix Official Website
#4) Metasploit
Price: Metasploit Framework is an open source tool and it can be downloaded for free. Metasploit Pro is a commercial product. Its free trial is available for 14 days. Contact the company to know more about its pricing details.
It is the software for penetration testing. Using Metasploit Framework, you can develop and execute exploit code against a remote machine. It supports cross-platform.
- It is useful for knowing about security vulnerabilities.
- Helps in penetration testing.
- Helps in IDS signature development.
- You can create security testing tools.
Best For Building anti-forensic and evasion tools.
Website: Metasploit
#5) Aircrack-Ng
Price: Free
Aircrack-ng provides different tools for evaluating Wi-Fi network security.
All are command line tools. For Wi-Fi security, it focuses on monitoring, attacking, testing, and cracking. It supports Linux, Windows, OS X, Free BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, and eComStation 2.
- Aircrack-ng can focus on Replay attacks, de-authentication, fake access points, and others.
- It supports exporting data to text files.
- It can check Wi-Fi cards and driver capabilities.
- It can crack WEP keys and for that, it makes use of FMS attack, PTW attack, and dictionary attacks.
- It can crack WPA2-PSK and for that, it makes use of dictionary attacks.
Best For: Supports any wireless network interface controller.
Website: Aircrack-Ng
#6) Wireshark
Price: Free
Wireshark is a packet analyzer and can perform deep inspection of many protocols.
It supports cross-platform. It allows you to export the output to different file formats like XML, PostScript, CSV, and Plaintext. It provides the facility to apply coloring rules to packet list so that analysis will be easier and quicker. The above image will show the capturing of packets.
- It can decompress the gzip files on the fly.
- It can decrypt many protocols like IPsec, ISAKMP, and SSL/TLS etc.
- It can perform live capture and offline analysis.
- It allows you to browse the captured network data using GUI or TTY-mode TShark utility.
Best For: Analyzing data packets.
Website: Wireshark
#7) Ettercap
Price: Free.
Ettercap supports cross-platform. Using Ettercap's API, you can create custom plugins. Even with the proxy connection, it can do sniffing of HTTP SSL secured data.
- Sniffing of live connections.
- Content filtering.
- Active and passive dissection of many protocols.
- Network and host analysis.
Best For: It allows you to create custom plugins.
Website: Ettercap
#8) Maltego
Price: The Community version, Maltego CE is available for free. Price for Maltego Classic is $999. Price for Maltego XL is $1999. These two products are for the desktop. Price for the server products like CTAS, ITDS, and Comms starts at $40000, which includes training as well.
Maltego is a tool for link analysis and data mining. It supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
For the discovery of data from open sources and visualizing the information in graphical format, it provides the library of transforms. It performs real-time data-mining and information gathering.
- Represents the data on node-based graph patterns.
- Maltego XL can work with large graphs.
- It will provide you the graphical picture, thereby telling you about the weak points and abnormalities of the network.
Best For: It can work with very large graphs.
Website: Maltego
#9) Nikto
Price: Free
Nikto is an open source tool for scanning the web server.
It scans the web server for dangerous files, outdated versions, and particular version related problems. It saves the report in a text file, XML, HTML, NBE, and CSV file formats. Nikto can be used on the system which supports basic Perl installation. It can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX systems.
- It can check web servers for over 6700 potentially dangerous files.
- It has full HTTP proxy support.
- Using Headers, favicons, and files, it can identify the installed software.
- It can scan the server for outdated server components.
Best For: As a Penetration Testing tool.
Website: Nikto
#10) Burp Suite
Price: It has three pricing plans. Community edition can be downloaded for free. Pricing for Enterprise edition starts at $3999 per year. Price of the Professional edition starts at $399 per user per year.
Burp Suite has a web vulnerability scanner and has advanced and essential manual tools.
It provides many features for web application security. It has three editions, community, enterprise, and professional. With community editions, it provides essential manual tools. With the paid versions it provides more features like Web vulnerabilities scanner.
- It allows you to schedule and repeats the scan.
- It scans for 100 generic vulnerabilities.
- It uses out-of-band techniques (OAST).
- It provides detailed custom advisory for the reported vulnerabilities.
- It provides CI Integration.
Best For: Security testing.
Website: Burp Suite
#11) John The Ripper
Price: Free
John the Ripper is a tool for password cracking. It can be used on Windows, DOS, and Open VMS. It is an open source tool. It is created for detecting weak UNIX passwords.
- John the Ripper can be used to test various encrypted passwords.
- It performs dictionary attacks.
- It provides various password crackers in one package.
- It provides a customizable cracker.
Best For: It is fast in password cracking.
Website: John the Ripper
#12) Angry IP Scanner
Price: Free
Angry IP Scanner is a tool for scanning the IP addresses and ports. It can scan both on local network and Internet. It supports Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
- It can export the result in many formats.
- It is a command-line interface tool.
- It is extensible with many data fetchers.
Website: Angry IP Scanner
As explained here, Nmap is used for computer security and network management. It is good for scanning the network. Metasploit is also for security and is good for building anti-forensic and evasion tools.
Aircrack-Ng is a free packet sniffer & injector and supports cross-platform. Wireshark is a packet analyzer and is good in analyzing data packets. As per the reviews available online, people recommend using Nmap instead of Angry IP scanner as Angry IP Scanner comes with unwanted applications.
John the Ripper is fast in password cracking. Nikto is a good open source tool for penetration testing. Maltego presents the data in a graphical form and will give you information about weak points and abnormalities.
This was all about the ethical hacking and the top ethical hacking tools. Hope you will find this article to be much useful!!