Selasa, Mac 31, 2020

🎂 Let As Asma Watie know you are thinking of her on her birthday today!

  Wish As Asma Watie a happy birthday   Selasa, 31 Mac 2020       As Asma Watie   Tuliskan pada garis masanya    
Wish As Asma Watie a happy birthday
Selasa, 31 Mac 2020
As Asma Watie
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Rancang satu Acara
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Untuk membantu mengekalkan akaun anda selamat, jangan majukan e-mel ini. Ketahui Lebih Lanjut

Isnin, Mac 30, 2020

Sugumar Raman menghantar mesej kepada anda.

    Sugumar Raman menghantar mesej kepada anda.   Buka Messenger   Anda perlu menggunakan Messenger untuk melihat dan memberi respons kepada mesej Sugumar . Dengan Messenger, anda boleh teks, dan membuat panggilan suara dan video secara percuma (data mudah alih standard dan caj mesej teks terpakai).      
   MessengerBuka Messenger
Sugumar Raman menghantar mesej kepada anda.
Buka Messenger
Anda perlu menggunakan Messenger untuk melihat dan memberi respons kepada mesej Sugumar. Dengan Messenger, anda boleh teks, dan membuat panggilan suara dan video secara percuma (data mudah alih standard dan caj mesej teks terpakai).
Mesej ini telah dihantar ke Jika anda tidak ingin menerima emel-emel ini daripada Facebook pada masa depan, sila Berhenti melanggan.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Untuk membantu mengekalkan akaun anda selamat, jangan majukan e-mel ini. Ketahui Lebih Lanjut

Sorry For The Delay in Responding !!!


I represent a private investor seeking to invest in any lucrative investment in your country, If you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in real estate or in any other business, Please write me for possible business co-operation.


Mr. Alfred Tuah-Yeboah

Ahad, Mac 29, 2020

Anda melog masuk ke PicsArt Photo Studio dengan Facebook.

    Anda melog masuk ke PicsArt Photo Studio dan berkongsi maklumat Facebook   Mdm, anda baru berkongsi maklumat dengan PicsArt Photo Studio apabila anda log masuk menggunakan Facebook pada 29 Mac 2020 jam 7:36 PTG. Anda boleh mengubah maklumat yang anda kongsi atau mengeluarkan aplikasi pada bila-bila masa.   Anda berkongsi maklumat berikut dengan PicsArt Photo Studio:   nama dan gambar profil senarai rakan alamat e-mel     Sunting Tetapan     Lawati Pusat Bantuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana untuk memastikan akaun anda selamat.  
Anda melog masuk ke PicsArt Photo Studio dan berkongsi maklumat Facebook
Mdm, anda baru berkongsi maklumat dengan PicsArt Photo Studio apabila anda log masuk menggunakan Facebook pada 29 Mac 2020 jam 7:36 PTG. Anda boleh mengubah maklumat yang anda kongsi atau mengeluarkan aplikasi pada bila-bila masa.
Anda berkongsi maklumat berikut dengan PicsArt Photo Studio:
nama dan gambar profil senarai rakan alamat e-mel
Sunting Tetapan
Lawati Pusat Bantuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana untuk memastikan akaun anda selamat.
Mesej ini telah dihantar ke Jika anda tidak ingin menerima emel-emel ini daripada Facebook pada masa depan, sila Berhenti melanggan.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

The Division 2 Review (PS4)

Written by Anthony L. Cuaycong

TitleThe Division 2
Developer: Massive Entertainment
Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Price: $59.99
Also Available On: Steam, XB1

The launch of Tom Clancy's The Division in 2016 was met with great expectations. As an online role-playing game, it bore the expertise of developer Massive Entertainment, whose previous work in seeing Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Far Cry 3 through gave it the confidence to pledge the setting of new standards in multiplayer engagement. Needless to say, the assistance that it received from other Ubisoft subsidiaries, particularly Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Reflections, and Ubisoft Annecy enabled it to meet its objectives, albeit not without growing pains.

The cutting-edge visuals, outstanding combat mechanics, and immersive setting of Tom Clancy's The Division shone from the outset, but Massive Entertainment still needed to scramble after it hit store shelves in order to address the glaring lack of content, frustrating capacity of enemies to absorb damage, paper-thin storyline, and significant technical glitches that all detracted from the overall experience. That said, it bore such promise, and met said promise soon enough, that it went on to become Ubisoft's best-selling title of all time, generating revenues north of $300 million worldwide and, in the process, ensuring the release of a sequel.

Parenthetically, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 picks up from where its predecessor left off, following the narrative seven months after events showing the devastation the release of Green Poison, a reengineered strain of smallpox, wreaked upon New York. This time, however, Washington serves as the backdrop for its progression, with the White House used by the Joint Task Force as base of operations. Gamers assume the role of an agent of the Strategic Homeland Division and help keep as much order as possible within the chaos created by a de facto civil war.

Outside of the plot, which remains paper thin, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 proves superior to its predecessor in all aspects. It certainly hits the ground running, presenting the District of Columbia as a near-perfect facsimile of its real-life representation and providing gamers with open-world choices within rewarding mission structures. Combat is straightforward, if challenging; stealth and precision marked by care are keys to survival, whether going solo or as part of groups, and regardless of the type of factions to which enemies of the moment belong. And, yes, the degrees of difficulty fluctuate, but, unlike the first offering, stay eminently fair. Thusly, a commitment to persevere prevails; failure is inevitable, but frustration does not set in because insight borne of experience does pay dividends.

In this regard, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 encourages the proper planning of skill upgrades, and in the context of group excursions. Meanwhile, skirmishes yield loot drops that expand equipment and weaponry. Side activities are offered in abundance, but invariably within the context of enriching story perspectives and stakes. For the more adventurous, there is the Dark Zone, where other gamers can and will be enemies — sometimes under the guise of collaboration. Within this area, a separate leveling regime is in place, and going rogue offers the opportunity to appreciate the challenges from the other side. In any case, the interactions underscore the sharpness with which player-versus-player scenarios are laid out.

Significantly, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 continues to receive programming support. A recent patch, for instance, enables loot targeting; map updates occur every day and show specific locations for specific gear. Moreover, it gives relevance to brand loyalty; in-game equipment makers now have items for all customizable slots, thus enabling access to bonuses. If nothing else, Ubisoft's commitment to keep tweaking the title long after release signifies sensitivity to feedback and dedication to process improvement. Future content updates promise map expansions, talent customization, and further understanding of the overarching narrative.

All told, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 keeps gamers going for more. If there's one thing developers have known to be harder than generating interest in their products, it's keeping said interest over time. Clearly, Massive Entertainment is bent on continually cultivating the interest, a decided boon in this day and age of infinite entertainment choices. Consumers are intrinsically fickle, and the sheer number of options available to them taps into this nature. Ubisoft is betting that quality breeds allegiance — and winning.

  • Superior to predecessor in all aspects
  • Combat is challenging but fair
  • Continued support encourages long-term commitment
  • Near-perfect representation of Washington, D.C.

  • Paper-thin plot
  • Absence of a narrative hook
  • Still subject to loot fatigue

RATING: 8.5/10

🎂 Ramzi Zakaria and Awang Azman have birthdays today

  Bantu Ramzi Zakaria dan Awang Azman menyambut hari jadi mereka   Ahad, 29 Mac 2020       Ramzi Zakaria   Tuliskan pada garis masanya     Awang Azman   Tuliskan pada garis masanya    
Bantu Ramzi Zakaria dan Awang Azman menyambut hari jadi mereka
Ahad, 29 Mac 2020
Ramzi Zakaria
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Awang Azman
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Rancang satu Acara
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Dwarves: The Natural Choice For An Army Painting Sprint

The last meaningful work I did on my Warmaster Dwarves was seven years ago (nearly to the day). I'd been humming and hawing about a Warmaster army for awhile now, and settled on the Dwarves when I got back from Scotland a few weeks ago. Since then I've finished the silver and gold, and laid down the first layer for the wood. I have no idea if I'll get these to a usable state before Fall In! in November, but I'm trying.

Warmaster Dwarves Warmaster Dwarf Hero Warmaster Dwarf Command Warmaster Dwarf Anvil of Doom (+2)

Download Dinosaurisland Compressed Version For PC

Download dinosaurisland Compressed version For PC

| DinosaurIsland [v1.0 +MULTi6 ] â€“ RePack |

infoRequired System
OS: Windows 7✔
Processor: Intel i5 4590✔
Memory: 8 GB RAM✔
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290✔
DirectX: Version 11✔
Storage: 15 GB available space✔

Password: After 10$ payment is done

Sabtu, Mac 28, 2020

Khairy Ameir menghantar mesej kepada anda.

    Khairy Ameir menghantar mesej kepada anda.   Buka Messenger   Anda perlu menggunakan Messenger untuk melihat dan memberi respons kepada mesej Khairy . Dengan Messenger, anda boleh teks, dan membuat panggilan suara dan video secara percuma (data mudah alih standard dan caj mesej teks terpakai).      
   MessengerBuka Messenger
Khairy Ameir menghantar mesej kepada anda.
Buka Messenger
Anda perlu menggunakan Messenger untuk melihat dan memberi respons kepada mesej Khairy. Dengan Messenger, anda boleh teks, dan membuat panggilan suara dan video secara percuma (data mudah alih standard dan caj mesej teks terpakai).
Mesej ini telah dihantar ke Jika anda tidak ingin menerima emel-emel ini daripada Facebook pada masa depan, sila Berhenti melanggan.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Untuk membantu mengekalkan akaun anda selamat, jangan majukan e-mel ini. Ketahui Lebih Lanjut

Jumaat, Mac 27, 2020

🎂 Let Mashitah Abdul Rahman know you are thinking of her on her birthday today!

  Wish Mashitah Abdul Rahman a happy birthday   Jumaat, 27 Mac 2020       Mashitah Abdul Rahman   Tuliskan pada garis masanya    
Wish Mashitah Abdul Rahman a happy birthday
Jumaat, 27 Mac 2020
Mashitah Abdul Rahman
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Rancang satu Acara
Mesej ini telah dihantar ke Jika anda tidak ingin menerima emel-emel ini daripada Facebook pada masa depan, sila Berhenti melanggan.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Untuk membantu mengekalkan akaun anda selamat, jangan majukan e-mel ini. Ketahui Lebih Lanjut

Khamis, Mac 26, 2020

🎂 Esthetic Home Spa JB, Lieza Saadin and 2 others have birthdays today

  Bantu Esthetic Home Spa JB,Lieza Saadin dan 2 menyambut hari jadi mereka.   Khamis, 26 Mac 2020       Esthetic Home Spa JB   Tuliskan pada garis masanya     Lieza Saadin   Tuliskan pada garis masanya     Muhammad Riduan   Tuliskan pada garis masanya     Fabrizio Faniello Marieas   Tuliskan pada garis masanya    
Bantu Esthetic Home Spa JB,Lieza Saadin dan 2 menyambut hari jadi mereka.
Khamis, 26 Mac 2020
Esthetic Home Spa JB
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Lieza Saadin
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Muhammad Riduan
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Fabrizio Faniello Marieas
Tuliskan pada garis masanya
Rancang satu Acara
Mesej ini telah dihantar ke Jika anda tidak ingin menerima emel-emel ini daripada Facebook pada masa depan, sila Berhenti melanggan.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Untuk membantu mengekalkan akaun anda selamat, jangan majukan e-mel ini. Ketahui Lebih Lanjut